Saturday, November 20, 2010

do you maximize student affairs internships?

Feeling a little stretched thin? Graduate interns could be a low cost, high impact answer. Here are a couple of different options...
  • Is there a grad program in your area related to your field/profession? Most grad programs not only facilitate an assistantship matching process, but if your budget can't handle that they almost always offer a practicum or field experience program. Most grad students will work for free for an entire semester as part of a field experience or practicum class. If your lucky the grad program will make it a requirement that all students in the program complete two of these practicums.
  • NODA interns-NODA is the professional association for orientation professionals, and they facilitate a wonderful internship matching program. The average stipend is housing plus $1000-$3000, and in my experience the quality of students applying for NODA internships are awesome.
  • ACUHO-I interns- Very similar to the NODA internship program, but ACUHO-I is the professional association for housing professionals. 
  • ACPA GPIP- ACPA does a graduate preparation internship program. ACPA is one of the two largest professional associations for student affairs in higher education, and they offer this program to serve as a clearinghouse for institutional members to host graduate student interns in a variety of functional areas.
  • Federal Work-Study Program- The federal work-study program gives funding to graduate students as well as undergraduate students. I love this program. FREE WORK! I have had some great experiences with work-study graduate students. Ours typically get the full allottment for grads which is $4000, and essentially the grads can work 20 hours a week for 10 weeks each semester.

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