Think about all of the training you do with your staff. There is probably a lot. Anything from team building to customer service to diversity related issues. My staff endures a ton of training to prepare them for their summer of orienting new students. In addition to all the typical training topics, they have to be well versed in all things Rutgers. It ads up. People can learn a lot though just sitting at the computer from home. With a young staff like mine that practically lives on facebook, youtube and google, the more we can integrate forms of training into the mediums they are already using the better the chance they will participate and enjoy it. What if they created the training? So here is the concept...
Interested students go through a one hour "training design" workshop. Videos follow the few parameters identified by the training coordinator, and are kept to 5 minutes or less.The students are granted a Cisco flip cam and either windows movie maker or iMovie software. Training videos are created.
Our returning staffers have a lot of valuable insight on how to deal with different personality types in a group, and could role play this in a training video. Students could create videos showing different offices around campus and how to do things that first year students would be asking about (getting an id, changing their meal plan, visiting the records office). Beyond orientation training this could be really valuable for an office/department that has more "hands on" type of training, like room set ups or how to use a/v equipment. Training ref's about different rules for a sport through role playing, or showing resident assistants a dummy room filled with "illegal" items in a residence hall are just two more ideas. The possibilities are endless. As long as the student is creating quality training videos and uploading them to the server or youtube channel they can keep the flip cam and continue to make videos. Black and Decker executed this approach to training 3 years ago. Their training has quadrupled. The training tube server receives 15-20 new training videos a month. It cut their in-person training in half.
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