Do you have a colleague that wants to see you succeed, catches you when you fall, and is there to listen to you process through ideas or vent? In my opinion, everyone needs a "biggest fan". It didn't take long for me to to realize, after getting into my first professional position, how different the work place was going to be from my experience as a student. In a workplace there are people with wide ranging levels of confidence in their self, differences in motives, and competition for attention from leadership (mostly driven by a need for increased resources or wanting to be recognized for potential promotions). With politics and these varying motives now in the mix, it seemed as though it would be tougher to find someone/people that I could rely on in this way. Don't get me wrong, I have great colleagues. But, as I mentioned above, a mentor is tough to come by. I have since found a few great mentors, and can't imagine working without them. It has inspired me to pay it forward. I haven't been working for too long, three years, but long enough that now a few new professionals have been hired since me. My new reflections on this have lead me to have a greater appreciation for those I have in my corner, and has motivated me to be more attentive to relationships I have now and will have in the future when I can serve as a mentor to others.
Questions I am trying to ask myself more often...
Who is your biggest fan?
Have you thanked them lately?
Does someone look up to you?
What are you doing to maintain that relationship, and enhance the learning and development of the one you mentor?
Here are a few good tips for maintaining these important relationships that I have learned from my biggest fans. They can and should be used by both parties in these relationships:
- Seeing a workshop or opportunity they might be good at or interested in, forwarding it along to them, and encouraging them to apply, join or attend
- Recognizing them with a "good job", lunch or nominating them for an award
- Thank you cards
- Being observant when they just need to vent and making time to let them do that
- When they vent, picking them back up with helping to brainstorm solutions or giving them positive words of encouragement
- Being there to review a project they are working on or offering them helpful feedback when they ask